Monday, August 31, 2015

Is it a blog if no one reads it?

I’ve been keeping this blog for about a year now. 
Ok, well, “keeping” is probably a pretty loose definition because I’ve been a little (lot) inconsistent. But health/fitness/wellness is something that is hugely important to me. I love learning new things about nutrition, exercise & health in general. And sometimes I feel like the people around me get a little annoyed when I spout about the new things I’m learning out loud and in their face. Which I get. If you’re trying to lose weight but for lunch you slipped up and ate a bacon mac&cheese burger (because, YUM) you probably don’t want to listen to me talk about all of the benefits of kale and how awesome I feel after the salad I just ate. Then I’ve accidentally made you feel bad about yourself. Not because I meant to, but because kale is legitimately exciting to me.

So the place for me to gush about lifting weights and eating yummy foods that grew out of the earth is clearly best left for the internets... and not at work in a restaurant whose single serving sizes could feed an entire African village for a week. It’s all about the audience, I guess. And if you’re here, it means you’re working on your health/fitness & positivity too.

The issue I’ve had up to this point... is that I have only allowed one person I know to read this blog and that is because that person is my partner in all things life and the one who inspired me to start my fitness journey in the first place. (Ok blerggghhhh you can throw up now, I know it’s corny but IT’STRUEOKSOISAIDIT.)
If you hung out with those muscles all day, you would want him to teach you how to grow your own, too.

I recently mentioned to my mother that I have a health/fitness blog and she was all,

Mom: What?! You have a blog?
Me: Yeah!
Mom: Does anyone read it?
Me: .... No.
Mom: You don’t have a blog. You have a diary.
Putting me to shame like only a mother can.

Ok so let me cut to the chase. I love all things health&fitness and working on them and learning more things and living a healthy life and all of that nonsense that I don’t know any non-cliché words for. I like to write about them. The reason I resisted publishing this blog for the world to see for so long is because this shit is PERSONAL! Like, the MOST personal. So I guess I was afraid to let the world get inside my body and my brain. Because, AHH!

But as Michael, {who in addition to being a super jacked & inspiring fitness motivator also has his MFA in dramatic writing (I know, right?!)} pointed out.... that is the ENTIRE. POINT. OF WRITING. It is personal. Putting it out there is scary and embarrassing.

We run a theater company together (shameless plug, “like" us! The Outer Loop Theater Experience) in which we host a monthly new work salon. It’s a place for artists to come and get a look at a new piece they’re working on. A lot of people who do something else professionally but have a secret writing habit read work they’ve written (sometimes for the first time EVER in front of other people) and it is so beautiful and so brave and so inspiring. And I’ll bet it’s every bit as scary as my publishing this blog. So, really I would be a hypocrite if I spend all my time encouraging others to share their work while in the mean time hiding my own.

All this to say... OK. You can read this now.

I’m not an expert in anything I write about here. I don’t have an MBA in nutrition. I am not a certified trainer. I’m just a person, like you, who stumbled upon health & fitness and found out I really liked it. I like to write about my experiences with it here. I’m not always a strict health nut. Sometimes I eat cheeseburgers. Sometimes I drink too much. Sometimes I eat an entire pumpkin pie in one sitting (not recommended.) But ultimately, I’m just living my life the best way I know how. If you want to read, if maybe I’m hitting on some stuff that’s interesting to you too.... Ok. I’ll share.

Let’s do it. 

Oh... and I guess since I’m putting it all out there, you can follow my fitness instagram too.

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