Thursday, January 8, 2015

Easy bake oven

I woke up this morning and wanted to bake. (no, not like that)
Which is super weird for me because “domestic” is never a word I would use to describe myself.

If you obsessively follow fitness accounts on instagram like I do, your feed is likely filled with all kinds of delicious looking, healthy, protein-packed baked goods. And if you’re anything like me you think “OH MY GOD YASSSS” take a screen shot of the recipe and.... never ever make it ever.

I don’t know what makes today any different. Maybe it’s the fact that I happened to have a bunch of bananas that are so overripe they were soon to be inedible. Or maybe my domesticity is finally kicking in at 25 (doubtful). But whatever. Today I made some Oatmeal Banana Nut Protein cookies. Whatwhaaaattttt.

This is the recipe I found online:

Oatmeal Banana Nut Protein Cookie
2 overripe bananas
1 cup of oatmeal
1/8 tsp of sea salt
1 tsp cinnamon
Dash of baking powder
1 scoop Muscle Milk Vanilla Creme

1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
2. Lightly spray a cookie sheet with olive or coconut oil. Evenly distribute the spray with a napkin or paper towel.
3. In a large bowl, mash bananas until creamy. Add oats, protein, cinnamon, salt, baking powder, and any additional ingredients of your choice. Mix well.
4. Plop mounded spoonfuls of the mixture onto cookie sheet. Sprinkle with almond slivers.
5. Bake for 15 minutes.
6. Eat and enjoy!

Nutrition Facts
Calories: 673 Fat: 11 g Carbs: 121 g Protein: 29 g 

But I modified it a little- instead of the Muscle Milk Vanilla Creme I used this casein protein powder 

So mine should in theory taste like chocolate peanut butter deliciousness.
I also used a little bit of skim milk when mixing it all together, so hopefully that didn’t fuck anything up. Oh, and I used walnuts instead of almonds. Cuz... I had walnuts, and not almonds.

Here they are in all their glory:

ok don’t make fun of them. yes, they are hideous. I am aware. Nothing I make ever turns out as cute as the photo of what it’s supposed to look like...

but like, close enough. 

UPDATE: Pop this shit in the microwave before you pop it in your mouth./ DA BEST.